Friday, February 20, 2009


This past week we have had SPIRTUAL EMPAHSIS WEEK which means we have had a speaker from Guatemala each day in chapel and each evening. There was also a group of volunteers from New York who did maintenance work during the day at the school and VBS for the children at night plus child care. Praise God for volunteers. We never thought when we were doing volunteer mission work that in a couple of years we would be in an Espanola Instituto!! The other good thing about this week is that we had no homework or exams. God is good!! We were invited to go to the mountains in San Jose with our family on Valentine's Day. The weather was beautiful and it was a welcome break. Learning a lot about the culture. Andy got me some pink roses from a nearby flower stand on the way home from church. We ate lunch in the casa and enjoyed roasted pollo from a stone oven fired by wood with fresh strawberries and grapes from the Ferreteria. We enjoy going to the Ferreteria every Saturdy morning because you can find all kinds of fruits, vegetables, cheese, fish, flowers, candy, fruit juices with Latino music blaring. It is quite an experience.


  1. Hey girl! I am SO proud of you! What a great post and you did all by yourself...Way to go. Trust you are enjoying your weekend and getting geared up for our FUN weekend next week.

    God bless you and you rest in Him.


  2. It does sound like fun! Glad that you are being blessed. Love you both.

  3. Aren't the markets the BEST! Chuck & I used to go almost every Saturday when we were in Holland. They always reminded my of when I was a kid and my parents would drag me along to the farmer's market where they bought produce to sell in their grocery store.

    Sure do miss you guys! Glad you are doing the blog thing............boy Miss Connie I am really impressed. You are way ahead of me. As I write this it is 70 degrees where you are and 18 degrees here.............I'll be on the next plane! lol

    love you both,
