Saturday, April 17, 2010

Thursday, April 15th was one of those days that we both stood utterly amazed at what the Lord did in our midst. We started our surveying as always praying as we entered our community asking the Lord for His eyes to see, His hears to hear and His heart to love the people we came into contact with. Andy wanted to take a picture of the sign in front of the school and as we walked the dirt road that twisted around the school and I decided I wanted to sit on a bench under a tree and pray for the area. As I sat there, I was prompted by the Holy Spirit that if I didn't go I would miss out on something great that was about to happen. Andy had already arrived in the school yard and was motioning me to come. I walked into the open court yard area and was meet by about 20 children and a teacher who wanted to talk. I explained we were there to pray for their community and school. The children started asking me about Michael Jackson, Hannah Montana, where I lived, my grandkids, children, asking me what English words meant. They were completely amazed at my blue eyes and wanted me to sing something in English so I sang "Happy Birthday to You". The teacher was amazed that the kids were so excited we were there. The entire half hour was an appointment that was definitely anointed by the Lord. Pray for us as we meet with the director of the school and start ENGLISH SECOND LANGUAGE classes. That evening we thanked God for the openess of the children, the friendliness of the teachers and that we were atentitive to his leading, We are so thankful for this opportunity to serve in this capacity.

1 comment:

  1. It is awesome when we allow ourselves to be so in tune with God's prompting that He does such wonderful/special things in our life, things that will make a eternity of difference in the lives of others. GOD IS GOOD!
